Taylor's Univesrity

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Asian Common Toad.....

Topic 1 More about the pet 

The tadpoles that we have here is known to be the larvae stage of Duttaphrynus melanostictus. Commonly called Asian common toadAsian toadblack-spectacled toadcommon Sunda toad and Javanese toad. It is probably a complex of more than one toad species that is widely distributed in South and Southeast Asia.
Duttaphrynus melanostictus tadpole 

In this stage they are eating machines. They don’t have limbs, so they can’t walk but can swim. They don’t call although they can hear and they can’t breed. Basically, they eat, and they do it a lot. Approximately half of their biomass is intestine! Indeed, a tadpole’s primary ecological reason of existence is to get the individual organism that it represents from embryo to terrestrial adult. In doing so, it take advantage of the abundant aquatic food resources. 

The anatomy of the tadpole can be divided into two section, that is the head and the tail, the head houses the organs where else tail section is used to swim in the water. The video bellow shows how the tadpoles we have swim. 

the tail moves left and right rapidly to give propulsion for the tadpole to move around, when not in motion the tail does not move as well. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Understanding About Characteristics & Functions of Tapdoles!

Reverse Bio-Engineering Worksheet (In class Tutorial) 11th April 2014 

1. Examine the biological artifact with the intent of discerning:

a. What does the biological artifact do?
- swims by lateral undulation (similar to how snakes move on land)
- feeds on algae and other microbes
- breathe using gills
- grows (progressively from hind legs to front legs, from gills to lungs and skin) to frogs

b. How does the biological artifact work?
- Larval stage of an amphibian, specifically frogs or toads
- Herbivorous
- Respire through gills
- Metamorphosizes into frogs (duration depends on species)
- Wholly aquatic

c. What might the biological artifact’s “requirements” have been?
               - Aqueous conditions
    - Cool temperature (20-25 deg celcius)
    - Suitable environment (eg: lakes, ponds which provide excellent conditions for camouflage)
    - Food (tadpoles are usually herbivorous, but in absence of food, they might cannibalize each


2. Relate the biological artifact’s features to the artifact requirements listed in 1(c):

    a. List the biological artifact’s features (geometry, materials, mechanisms, etc.)
         (i) Has high surface area of gills to breathe under water
         (ii) Skin in dark green colour to camouflage itself in lake or pond waters
         (iii) Has a long tail to enhance swimming performance
                  (iv) Oval shape

             b. How do the biological artifact’s features support the requirements?
(i) Defensive
(ii) Offensive
(iii) Travel

High surface area of gills


Enable them to respire and travel under aqueous conditions

Dark green colour skin
Enable tadpoles to camouflage to hide from predators



Long tail

Enable high swimming performance to avoid predators
Enable them to have an aerodynamic shape to travel faster underwater 

Oval shape
Increase aerodynamic characteristics to avoid predators
Enhance their aerodynamic shape to travel faster underwater

             c. Are there features that don’t map to any requirements?

3. Form and function

a. How do the form (shape) and material of a feature relate to the function that the feature performs?

1. Function2. Form3. MaterialRelationship of


Respiratory mechanism

High surface area

Muscle tissues
High surface area of gills enables high efficiency in oxygen exchange

Dark green colour skin

Enable camouflage 

Water, muscle tissues, minerals
Dark green skin helps them to hide from potential predators


Swimming mechanism

Long & aerodynamically shaped

Muscle tissues
Aerodynamically shaped tail helps them to swim efficiently

Oval shape

Swimming mechanism

Aerodynamically shaped
Oval shape helps them to reduce drag coefficient of water

4. Engineering inspiration

           a. Suggest a new product or process based upon what you have learned in 1-3 above.
               An enhancement in shape and characteristics in underwater appliances to increase the
               aerodynamic characteristics and reduce drag coefficient of water.

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


"Biomimicry can be staged into 3 stages, one is copying the form and shape of nature, another is copying a process, like photosynthesis in a leaf, and the third is mimicking at an ecosystem's level, like building a nature-inspired city." - Janine Benyus

What you will find in this blog is an experience of raising some adorable tadpoles whilst having the opportunity to witness the metamorphosis of them turning into frogs if they survive. Throughout this period, watch the authors get inspired by these little creatures and the way they apply the knowledge of engineering biomimetics on them!

What are tadpoles you say?

(Source: Miika Silfverberg, 2006)

A tadpole is the larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian, particularly that of a frog or a toad. Tadpoles are young amphibians that are commonly found in lakes, swamps, drainage canals, ponds and other usually stagnant waters. As a tadpole matures, it progressively undergoes a process of evolving into a frog - metamorphosizes by gradually growing limbs, developing lungs and absorbing its tail.

We managed to grab a few tadpoles with the help of our dear friend Cindy in her home :)

This blog is created by three biomimetic enthusiasts - Jian, Sakitya and Hossein who are pursuing their engineering degrees in Taylor's University. We took the interest to opt Engineering Biomimetics as our elective subject for our semester. 

Join us and be inspired! 
We are on the journey of observing, analyzing and evaluating nature's best ideas, whilst trying to adapt them into the engineering field in order to better the society.